Plant Based Proteins VS Dairy Proteins - International Protein

Plant Based Proteins VS Dairy Proteins

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Finally, a plant-based protein that measures up from International Protein. Coming out of 20 years of solid nutrition and industry experience, International Protein is about to release two brand-new vegan protein powders to cater to athletes on plant-based diets! This now will allow bodybuilders and athletes an alternative for getting all the same amino acids as you can get from traditional dairy protein products.

What most people want to know is whether plant-based proteins are as effective as dairy proteins? Let’s get into the differences between dairy and vegan proteins and how they affect your body. Then you can find out all about our exciting new breakthrough!

Muscle Growth

Studies show that dairy protein has more effect on muscle growth factor (IGF1) and therefore muscle growth. Traditional plant-based proteins are much lower in IGF1, so you won’t achieve the same results from taking these.

That means that historically, plant-based proteins won’t help you build as much muscle and is generally used only by those who are vegan and those with allergies. That’s where International Protein has made a significant breakthrough.

Amino Acids

Dairy is the most popular base for protein supplements because it has all the amino acids in right ratios over and above what you need.

Usually, plant proteins are missing at least one essential amino acid, if not more. Because these are in fact “essential” it comes as no surprise that you need ALL of them. They must be consumed as they are not created by the body. You need enough of these essential amino acids for your body to react the way it needs to, meaning it will have use up the protein as energy and burn it, or worse, store it as body fat, instead of building muscle.


Many people start taking vegan protein because they have a sensitivity to dairy. However, you may not realise that not all dairy proteins are made the same way.

Casein makes up 80% of the protein in milk and whey is the other 20%. When protein powders are made, these two elements can be separated because casein forms a gel under acidic conditions, such as in cheese or yoghurt, while whey remains soluble. That’s how we make our WPIs without casein, which is what a lot of people are far more sensitive to.

For those with allergies, you may be interested to know that based on feedback, most people with lactose intolerance can take our Amino Charged WPI protein. That’s because WPI is low in lactose so many people who can’t handle a lot of dairy can still consume this without any negative effects.

Types of Plant Protein

To get the full range of amino acids, you need to combine a variety of plant proteins like legumes (beans, peas, peanuts) and grains (rice, barley, wheat). These are naturally complementary in amino acids to create a complete protein and that’s why many cultures that eat a lot of plant-based foods eat a lot of rice with beans in their diet.

So, it’s possible to get everything you need from a vegan protein, but you need to use more than one type. Many people like to point out that quinoa has all the essential amino acids your body needs, however, it’s not high enough in protein to have an effect on your body for muscle building. That’s why you won’t often find it in a protein powder.

Then there is soy protein which used to be far more popular, but the soy industry was badly hit because at the time GMO products were widely accepted and these suddenly went out of favour. It has more recently been taken over by pea protein but there hasn’t been as much research put into ensuring this contains everything needed in a protein to allow the body to repair and recover and live the way it needs.

Rice protein is also quite popular, but it can often taste like drinking sand. However, it does create a nice complement to pea protein because between the two, these contain a great range of proteins the body needs.


Plant-based proteins are medium release proteins, which doesn’t make them ideal for a post-workout protein hit as opposed to WPI and hydrolysed products that are rapidly absorbed, making them perfect for a post-workout shake.

Vegan proteins such as pea or rice are absorbed in the 3-4 hour mark. This makes them a great pre-workout and night-time shake, but not so great for after your workout.

International Protein has now made a break-through discovery – plant hydrolysed protein with peptides that can be used post-workout. There is likely nothing else like it out on the market at the moment, as far as we’re aware, so it’s been a major gain for bodybuilders who are plant-based and need a quick intake of protein after their workout.

Our Plant Proteins

It’s been very important for us to find an alternative to dairy proteins for those who don’t eat meat products or are sensitive to dairy. That’s why we’ve created protein with the very best taste – even to those who usually don’t like protein powders. Many people take plant proteins that don’t taste great just because they want the benefits but can’t handle dairy in their diet. Our two brand new products taste just as fantastic as a whey protein.

So, here are the two protein powders that International Protein has just released, offering industry breakthrough in plant-based proteins:


This vegan protein is a fantastic pre or post-workout supplement. Because of the inclusion of hydrolysed pea and mung bean peptides, it is far superior to the 3-4 hour release that most plant proteins offer. It is great for recovery and can easily be digested.


You can use this protein powder as a complete meal replacement due to its natural carb and protein content. If you want to make gains faster, this is the one for you. It is easily digestible, contains vegan creatine for slow release, and has only natural flavours.

Our plant-based protein powders can be used in the same way as the whey proteins. Put it in a shake, or however, you would usually consume your whey protein. These don’t only have to be for those with allergies or vegans, but they are a fantastic way for anyone to increase your plant intake and eat healthier.

Studies are finding evidence that suggests putting people on plant protein can reduce cancer risks. As you get older, eating less animal-based proteins can be fantastic for your health and you’ll likely want to start eating more plant-based foods. If you’re looking to reduce your dairy intake, you could even start by mixing a dairy and plant protein to start reducing the daily intake.

Thanks for reading this International Protein article about our wonderful new plant-based proteins. Please ask any questions you have about these products in our comments section below and if you’re eager to learn more, have a listen to this great podcast about planted based health and inflammation.

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